lunes, agosto 04, 2014

Tonia Papke, Alex y With

Con esta bella familia visitamos la ciudad de Cobán durante 3 dias (28 al 31 de Julio 2014) y luego partimos hacia Panajachel, el recorrido lo hicimos de Cobán via Santa Cruz y San Cristobal Verapaz, al llegar a Chicaman nos encontramos con un bloqueo por parte de empleados de salud lo que nos dejo varados por mas de 1 1/2 horas y luego en la entrada a Cunen debí buscar un taller de mecanica ya que al microbus se le calentaron los frenos, que aventura  gracias a Dios terminamos sin novedad. Gracias por su visita a Guatemala, espero que vuelvan.

Sergio story for his blog or whatever / posting on his blog: Servicios Turísticos EL CARMEN

Sergio Barrios

My wife, younger son and I used the services of Sergio Barrios during our week in Guatemala and he made the trip not only possible but a real pleasure. From when he met us in Guatemala City Monday, July 28th and drove us to Coban, through our stay in Coban and adventures in that area, including Semuc Champey, continuing on to Panajachel via the market at Chicicastenanga, and then returning us from Panajachel to Antigua and, finally, to the airport in Guatemala City, Sergio was ever helpful, careful, creative in his route options and cheerful. If at all possible, we’ll work with him on all our future trips to Guatemala. 

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